Language requirements for exchange students (non-Erasmus)

Language requirements for international exchange students (non-Erasmus) from partner universities

All exchange program candidates are required to present one of the following documents certifying the command of English:

The list of eligible certificates of English language


take CUT English language exam – a fee based, online test and an online interview organized by the CUT Foreign Languages Centre (SJO).

The CUT English language exam consists of the written part (listening, reading, grammar and lexical part) and the oral part (checking communication skills). If you pass the exam, you will receive a CUT certificate confirming the knowledge of the English language corresponding to the B2 level.
The exam is conducted online, in real time, and is assessed by two examiners.

Exam dates:
between 20 and 25 May (for Fall Semester exchange)
between 20 and 25 November (for Spring Semester exchange)

A fee of PLN 220 or EUR 50 for the examination and issuance of a certificate should be transferred to a bank account of the Cracow University of Technology by:
May 15  (for Fall Semester exchange)
November 15 (for Fall Semester exchange)

The bank details to make the transfer will be provided to interested students by email.

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