MSG in additive manufacturing

Second-cycle programme in Additive Manufacturing

Faculty of Materials Engineering anf Physics
3 semesters
Beginning of semester
15 October – 5 February
ECTS credits
Tuition fee
EUR 1500/semester
Application fee
EUR 20
Programme coordinator
dr inż. Dariusz Mierzwiński
Link will be published in October

Program description:

Additive manufacturing is a field of study carried out jointly by the Cracow University of Technology and the Lviv University of Technology. In the first two semesters, classes are conducted at the Cracow University of Technology, and in the third semester the student himself decides where he wants to study and defend his master’s thesis. After passing all subjects and defending, the student receives a double degree in Engineering and Technical Sciences. Importantly, the course has an interdisciplinary profile, because the curriculum includes content from two scientific disciplines – materials engineering (86%) and mechanical engineering (14%).

Admission requirements:

Bachelor degree in Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Construction, Biomedical Engineering.

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