BA in Landscape Architecture

First-cycle programme in Landscape Architecture

Accredited by the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education

Faculty of Architecture
8 semesters
Beginning of semester
1 May – 31 July
ECTS credits
Tuition fee
EUR 2500/semester
Application fee
EUR 35

Program description:

The programme Landscape Architecture offers comprehensive education in the field of natural, agricultural, technical and social sciences, all combined with fine arts. It also teaches the skill of using it in your professional practice while observing the provisions of law and principles of ethics. The programme curriculum places major emphasis on designing a landscape in various scales, starting from a detail, through a garden, square or public park, all the way to the urban planning scale. Other important aspects are: learning to use new technologies, effective social communication, participation experiences and being familiar with the latest trends in design, such as smart growth, green infrastructure, ecosystem services or urban space recycling. Landscape Architecture at Cracow University of Technology is the first academic programme in the country that has been accredited by IFLA Europe (International Federation of Landscape Architects.

Why Landscape Architecture?

Landscape architecture is first and foremost an art, and its primary function is to create and protect beauty in the surroundings of human dwellings or – more broadly – in the natural scenery of the country. Landscape Architecture at Cracow University of Technology is the only programme in Poland that is taught at the Faculty of Architecture, which contributes to its technical, yet at the same time design-oriented character. The education offered at this programme meets the challenges of the modern times both in the theoretical knowledge that is taught here and the practical skills that are acquired by students. Graduates are prepared to execute studies and analyses in various scales, including inventory taking and vegetation assessment; work on land development designs, historic buildings restoration, brownfield reclamation, construction and maintenance of diverse components of landscape architecture and their furnishings, as well as manage landscaping and maintenance works. They find employment in organizations designing objects of landscape architecture, companies designing, executing and maintaining components of landscape architecture, in central and local administration agencies as well as in education. They work for design studios both in Poland and abroad.

Admission requirements:

The admission criteria for the programme Landscape Architecture are based on the evaluation of the portfolio and on the results of the school-leaving examination, matura examination, International Baccalaureate or a school-leaving examination taken outside Poland.
The portfolio for the programme Landscape Architecture should be composed of 10 up to 15 drawings of size A2 (5 works) and A3 (from 5 to 10 works) presenting an open landscape, an urban landscape and plants. The portfolio may be complemented by additional art works showcasing the candidate’s individual interests, in size A3 at the most, or by photographic documentation of such art works in the size corresponding to size A3.
The mandatory subject matter of the works:

  • a leafless tree;
  • a tree with foliage;
  • a coniferous and a deciduous tree together;
  • a sizeable tree in an open hilly landscape, set against a cluster of shrubs;
  • a bridge in a landscape;
  • a street with trees in a small town;
  • a viaduct (a road bridge) in a landscape;
  • a housing estate landscape;
  • a landscape of the future;
  • a historic landscape.

All works are to be hand-drawn. At least half of the works should be done in graphite pencil on white cardboard. The candidates are free to choose the technique for the remaining works. These requirements do not apply to the additional art works referred to above, which may complement the portfolio.
The photographs of the works making up the portfolio should be characterised by the following parameters:

  • resolution from 12M 3968×2976 (4:3) to 13M 4160×3120 (4:3),
  • no GPS marker,
  • no smile recognition,
  • no retouching

Frame settings:

  • colour photography is mandatory,
  • the use of filters or special software is prohibited
  • adding any watermarks, as well as descriptions, including dates, location data, etc. is prohibited,
  • it is recommended to include photographs taken outside, in bright daylight, and to avoid direct exposure of the drawings to sunlight,
  • the lens should be directed at the right angle towards the middle of the sheet – both horizontal and vertical convergences are to be avoided.

The above arrangements are to be applied to scans, respectively.
Photographs / scans of the drawings included in the portfolio are to be made into ONE pdf file.
The candidate may use any software – free or paid – in order to prepare their portfolio. A sample free software that may be used for this purpose is to be found here.
The file containing the portfolio should be labelled as follows:
The scan of the declaration of the candidate in which they state that they have prepared the portfolio unassisted must be a separate pdf file.
ATTENTION: the declaration must be filled in and signed by hand prior to being scanned.
Unsigned declaration is invalid.
The file containing the declaration should be labelled as follows:

The works making up the portfolio are to be photographed or scanned and sent by electronic mail through WeTransfer to the following address:

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