All international students have an obligation to legalise their stay in Poland.
- Visa
Non-EU students must obtain a student visa valid for the entire duration of their stay at a Polish Embassy/Consulate in their country of stay, prior to their arrival in Poland. The visa can be granted on the basis of study admission decision (Acceptance Letter). - Registration of residence address (Zameldowanie)
After the arrival all foreigners staying in Poland for more than 30 days must register their place of residence (temporary address of stay in Poland).
Foreigners from non-EU countries are asked to register their temporary address of stay no later than in the 4th day of their stay in Poland. The period of the temporary residence at a specified address declared by the foreigner may not exceed the period during which the foreigner may legally stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland, in accordance with a document confirming their right of residence.
To register, go to the nearest Krakow City Council Offices (Urząd Miasta Krakowa):- For District I-VII (Śródmieście, Krowodrza):
ul. Powstania Warszawskiego 10, Kraków
ul. Stawowa 61, lokal nr 193, Kraków, Centrum Administracyjne oraz Punkt Obsługi Mieszkańców (it is located in a shopping centre called Galeria Bronowice) - For District VIII-XIII (Podgórze):
ul. Wielicka 28a, Kraków - For District XIV-XVIII (Nowa Huta) – for students staying at CUT dormitories at Skarżyńskiego St.:
os. Zgody 2, Kraków
ul. Gen. T. Bora-Komorowskiego 41, Kraków; Punkt Obsługi Mieszkańców (it is located in a shopping centre called Galeria Serenada)
- For District I-VII (Śródmieście, Krowodrza):
The confirmation of the registration will be given to you on the spot. To register your place of residence you will be asked to present the following documents:
- the completed from: Zgłoszenie pobytu czasowego
- For students staying in CUT dormitory: the form need to be signed by an authorised person from the dormitory management.
- Persons living in private apartments: need to provide a rental agreement or the owner’s consent for registering their residence
- a valid visa (in case of non-EU citizens)
- Passport
- Visa extension
Foreign nationals currently in Poland who wish to extend their stay beyond the expiration of their visa due to an extension of their studies at Cracow University of Technology (CUT) must submit an application for a temporary residence permit to the Małopolska Provincial Office (Małopolski Urząd Wojewódzki).
The details regarding the procedure can be found in the following links:
- Registration of residence address (Zameldowanie)
Students must register their place of stay at the Krakow City Council Offices within 30 days of arrival to Poland.
To register, go to the nearest Krakow City Council Offices (Urząd Miasta Krakowa):
- For District I-VII (Śródmieście, Krowodrza):
ul. Powstania Warszawskiego 10, Kraków
ul. Stawowa 61, lokal nr 193, Kraków, Centrum Administracyjne oraz Punkt Obsługi Mieszkańców (it is located in a shopping centre called Galeria Bronowice) - For District VIII-XIII (Podgórze):
ul. Wielicka 28a, Kraków - For District XIV-XVIII (Nowa Huta):
os. Zgody 2, Kraków
ul. Gen. T. Bora-Komorowskiego 41, Kraków; Punkt Obsługi Mieszkańców (it is located in a shopping centre called Galeria Serenada)
The confirmation of the registration will be given to you on the spot. To register your place of residence you will be asked to present the following documents:
- the completed from: Zgłoszenie pobytu czasowego
- For students staying in CUT dormitory: the form need to be signed by an authorised person from the dormitory management.
- Persons living in private apartments: need to provide a rental agreement or the owner’s consent for registering their residence
- National ID or Passport
- Temporary Residence Permit
No visa is required for students from EU/EFTA member countries. A valid travel document (a passport or national ID) entitles students to enter Poland. Nevertheless, every incoming student, who plans to stay in Poland longer than 90 days must legalize their stay by obtaining a temporary residence permit at the Małopolska Provincial Office in Krakow (Małopolski Urząd Wojewódzki).
The details regarding the procedure can be found in this link.
Mandatory training for students
Mandatory training for students commencing their stay at Cracow University of Technology will be organised at the beginning of each semester.