MA Architecture

Second-cycle programme in Architecture

Accredited by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering.

Faculty of Architecture
3 semesters
Beginning of semester
15 October – 5 February
ECTS credits
Tuition fee
EUR 2500/semester
Application fee
EUR 35
Programme coordinator
dr hab. inż. arch. Anna Franta
Link will be published in October

Program description:

The offer of these studies is meant for students with bachelor’s degree in Architecture and prepares them for professional practice as architects. The programme of studies is exactly the same as the curriculum in Polish which is a professional degree programme accredited by The Polish Accreditation Committee, The Accreditation Commission for Polish Universities of Technology, the EU evaluation as well as The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) evaluation. The programme of studies lasts for three semesters. The total number of ECTS credits is 90 (30 per semester). The total number of hours is 900 plus 150 for Internships after the 1st semester (1st semester: 405h +150h; 2nd semester: 390h, 3rd semester: 75h).

The Master of Architecture programme of studies focuses on a wide range of issues directly affecting contemporary architecture and urban design:

  • Architectural and urban design in the fields of multifamily housing and public use buildings,
  • Spatial and regional planning,
  • Preservation of monuments and revalorization of urban complexes with design for conservation,
  • Landscape architecture, architecture and planning in the countryside,
  • Building construction systems and building structures,
  • Theory of architecture and urban design as well as spatial and regional planning,
  • History of art, culture and contemporary urban design,
  • Ecology and environmental protection. Design, history, theory and building structure    technology are taught to prepare students for professional registration as architects in the  European Union.

Admission requirements:

  1. Submission of required documents listed in the application procedure
  2. BA in Architecture
  3. Portfolio consisting in reduced reproductions of:
    – complete drawing part of the engineering diploma work
    – complete drawing part of the two best drawing projects made during first cycle (BArch) studies and chosen by the candidate
  4. Candidate’s statement confirming that all works comprising the portfolio have been prepared by the candidate in person.
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