*each course has a value of 6 ECTS
Please note that a specific course of study will be opened under the conditions that
the required number of applicants fulfilling the qualification criteria is reached (the minimum number of students to start each course is 7).
or the course will be one of 5-6 most often chosen courses.
or 5 or more students from the same university have the same course in their Learning Agreement and will attend this course in Krakow (we hope, that with students from other universities, the minimum of 7 students will be achieved)
If your require more information about the course availability or contents, please get in touch with Exchange Coordinator at the Faculty: erasmus.ee@pk.edu.pl
Erasmus Coordinator will decide to start one or two additional courses based on results of voting and availability of professors. Minimum of 5-6 incoming exchange students registered on Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering should attend the additional course within their limit of 30 ECTS.
Fall Semester
- E-ADS-24 Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures PDF 566 KB
- E-AP-24 Arduino Platform PDF 463 KB
- E-CN-24 Computer Networks PDF 473 KB
- E-DSI4-24 Designing Switchgear for Industry 4.0 PDF 458 KB
- E-EG-24 Engineering Graphics and Design PDF 473 KB
- E-ML-24 Machine Learninig PDF 463 KB
- E-MP-24 Matlab Programming PDF 465 KB
- E-OOP-24 Object Oriented Programming in C++ PDF 461 KB
- E-PJS-24 Programming in JavaScript PDF 475 KB
- E-PQ-24 Power Electronics for Power Quality Improvement PDF 640 KB
- E-PR-24 Programming in Ruby PDF 469 KB
Spring Semester
- E-CG-24 Computer Graphics PDF 462 KB
- E-DBI-24 Database Implementation in RDBMS PDF 465 KB
- E-DSP-24 Digital Signal Processing PDF 572 KB
- E-EG-24 Engineering Graphics and Design PDF 477 KB
- E-I4CS-24 Industry 4.0 and cloud services as a part of the Smart Grid PDF 463 KB
- E-IoT-24 Internet of Things (IoT) in applications PDF 473 KB
- E-IT-24 Internet Technologies PDF 588 KB
- E-PLC-24 PLC - Programmable Logic Controllers PDF 590 KB